SMART Support
SMART Support by InstruLogic provides cost-effective convenient support for your treatment operation automation and control assets.
Services Packages can be customized for your treatment operation needs from a menu of service offerings that include: Preventative Care, Repair Services, Cybersecurity Services and Specialized Project Services.
Design/Build Services
Instrulogic offers a unique combination of capabilities you can leverage to seamlessly deliver your next project.
From project conception to plant commissioning we offer: Licensed Engineering Services, Control Systems expertise, PLC, SCADA and SQL Programming, Database design, HMI Design, Instrumentation, Panel build, Program Management and Facility Construction.
SCADA Hosting Services
The cybersecurity environment has significantly increased system management demands on SCADA systems. Server operating system upgrades and patches are now mandatory to prevent vulnerability. SCADA software must be managed carefully around these changes to run reliably. A SCADA Hosting Service provides secure and reliable operation without the need for additional system administration personnel or unplanned software upgrade costs.